Thursday, July 9, 2020

Scivolo Character Controller

Scivolo Character Controller is a set of components that provides the basic functionality for creating a custom character controller. It is proposed as an alternative to Unity's built in CharacterController component also expanding its functionality, for example it allows to freely rotate around any axis.

It has been made with kinematic movement in mind so for situation where the character is not meant to behave or move like an actual physical body.

Each component doesn't hold any movement logic, this is to allow great flexibility in many different scenarios, still trying to fulfill the common tasks that every character controller should accomplish.

The components are the following:

It defines the shape of the capsule collider which represents how the character interacts with the other colliders in the game world. It provides for the resolution of overlaps with the other colliders.

It is responsible for moving the character around the game world. It deals with collision detection and handles sliding on surfaces and climbing on steps.

It is responsible for scanning the ground below the character capsule and retrieving useful information about the ground if found.

Online Demos

If you need more information or have something to ask, visit the forum thread.

Main features:
  • Free capsule rotation
  • Slope limit
  • Step climbing
  • Horizontal movement conservation
  • Slide down on slopes
  • Ground detection

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